Top Tips for Writing Emails at Work

More and more of our communication at work is written, and a great deal of it happens over email. This means people need to be more effective than ever at communicating in writing. Here are some tips to make sure your emails are clear and professional.

Smiling Man Talking On Cellphone

Always proofread

Proofreading is often forgotten about when it comes to emails, but an email full of typos and spelling and grammar mistakes is a quick way to look unprofessional. A simple read through once you have finished writing is a easy way to make sure your email is clear, flows well and doesn’t have any silly mistakes. If it is especially important, save it and go back to it an hour or so later to you can re-read it with fresher eyes.


Be careful of your tone

Watching your tone is very important in written communication, as it is something that can easily get lost. For example, if your manager emails with a request a simple ‘okay’ may come across as an agreeable happy to help when said out loud, but may come across as abrupt when written down. Punctuation, such as using lots of exclamation marks, and writing in CAPITALS can also change how the meaning of your email is interpreted.


Consider the recipient

It isn’t necessary to follow the same rules for all emails. Consider who your emailing and adjust the level of formality accordingly.


It is easy to forget simple rules when you are emailing, as it feels like a more informal method of communication, but by following these tips you will ensure you remain professional and clear at all times.


Do you have any other tips you think are important for emailing at work?

How do I use hyphens correctly?

Hyphens are tricky little things to get right. Using them correctly can make your writing more concise and polished, but using putting them in the wrong place can look messy and immediately bring down the quality of your work. For this reason, many people avoid using them at all. Once you’ve got the hang of it though, it really is very simple. Here are some handy tips on when a hyphen is needed and when it should be omitted.


How do you use apostrophes correctly?

The apostrophe – one of the most notoriously misused punctuation marks. Misplacing or omitting an apostrophe can make a big difference to the meaning of a sentence. You probably learnt where and when they should be used in school, but judging by the amount they are flung about it would be fair to say a lot of people have forgotten the rules of use.

Learning the rules won’t take you long, and will make your writing more clear and professional. Nothing can demean a piece of work/correspondence quicker than a silly grammatical error, so don’t let it bring your writing down. Take a look at this simple infographic for tips on when and where an apostrophe should be used.

Infographic by the